Lenore works as a Private Client Manager in our Private Client department and has been instrumental in helping our clients with their insurance needs. Here is a quick Q & A with Lenore!
What is your role at NAP?
I am a client account manager. I service our current insureds and I also write new business.
What would people never guess you do in your role?
I think people would be surprised to learn just how much I enjoy working with our current clients and seeking out new business prospects.
What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
I like making sure clients and prospects feel they are being properly covered for their homes along with their vehicles.
Before working here, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
I was previously an ultrasound technician.
What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
I enjoy riding motorcycles and ATVs.
What is one thing you couldn’t live without?
I could not live without my children.
What is your hidden talent or an interesting fact about you?
An interesting fact may be that I am a full-time working mother with two children.
What is your favorite movie and/or book? Why?
My favorite movie is Pay It Forward because that movie is about how if we all just do one kind thing for another person and they do the same, then we can make this world a better place.
What is your motto, personal mantra or favorite quote?
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious the time is that you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
When are you happiest?
I am the happiest when my children are not making the house a mess and when I’m making sure at the end of the day that my clients are happy.