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Compliance Bulletin: New York Paid Family Leave

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New York’s paid family leave law requires private sector employers to provide paid family leave benefits to eligible employees starting Jan. 1, 2018. Final regulations implementing the law were issued on July 19, 2017.

Under the law, paid family leave benefits will be phased in over a four-year period. When the law is fully implemented in 2021, employees may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of paid family leave. The paid family leave benefits will be funded through employee paycheck deductions. Employers are not responsible for contributing to or funding paid family leave benefits, but may choose to do so.

Our content partner, Zywave, has provided a compliance bulletin to help clarify the law and its requirements. To view this bulletin, click HERE. 

All insurance policies are different. Be sure to review your insurance policy for specific information about coverages available to you. Nothing in this post is meant to suggest a guarantee of coverage.